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Time management - All about tools?

Time Management, Procrastination – Sounds very familiar? Who is not a victim for it ? Key is to realize it quickly, discover the underlying reasons and have an action plan to come out of it.

Do you think not having the right time management tool is the reason? Nah. All the tools in the world are accessible at fingertip today. The secret is in discovering the underlying limiting thoughts, beliefs, stressors that eats your mental energy and takes away time from. All you need is a safe space that lets you explore these without any judgement.

Here is an insight from a recent coaching conversation with my client on time management : 

First we started with scratching the surface, juggling tasks and so on. As we delved deeper, it turns out that real game changer is the family dynamics that sneakily added stressor to the mix!

Aha Moment : ‘Family vibes affecting mental energy and messing with time management.’ This was an aha moment that came out in the conversation.

Partnering with clients enabling them to reflect on their strengths, their experiences and their expectations helped them to reflect and understand themselves better.

As a coach, I am not supposed to have an expectation of what we will discover next during the session. And this one came in as a surprise too. Aha moment for client, equally means an Aha moment for the Coach and grateful for this opportunity.

If you could relate to this, some reflective questions for You:

1.     How can I express my feelings without blame, fostering open communication with my family?

2.     What small, consistent actions can strengthen family bonds and enhance overall well-being & time management?

You can always reach me here to discover whats is in the root of your time management / procrastination :

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