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coaching teens: Testimonial

First job, first friend, first customer - these are moments that always hold a special place. They do play a significant role in shaping up our thoughts and contributing to our growth. Don’t they? In that context, I am incredibly grateful for this video testimony that recently landed in my inbox a few days back.


To give some background: I shared my idea and vision on what I am working on with my friends, classmates and colleagues and in a few days I received a call from known circle and as a parent of adolescent she explained the situation on how I could play a part through coaching /mentoring.


I said, let’s try, I am not promising anything. Though the methodology is proven, whether it works for one or not depends on various factors including but not limited to both coach and the coachee. What if the client is aware but not willing to take any action? What if the environment the client is in needs a change? The possibilities are limitless.


After quite a few weeks, I received a call from the first client  expressing her happiness on the progress of her kid.


I would like to call out three important things here: If you are a parent of a teen/youth and trying to make your kid personally effective:


1.    Moving out of your comfort zone and seeking help are crucial steps. Without the initial willingness to seek external support, this post wouldn't exist.

2.    Start with micro actions and do not expect overnight results. Being a teen/youth doesn’t mean they will listen to everything parent says and take massive actions.

3.    As a parent, it’s important to remain open minded and be willing to adjust your approach as well along with your kid. Environment plays a significant role in shaping up a person.


Overall, I am grateful and humbled by this experience.

In my favourite words, let’s expand our village to contribute to the success of our teens and youth ! Fruits of tomorrow depends on what we invest today !


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