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Challenges of today’s adolescents

Adolescence is a crucial phase in one’s development as they go through a lot of changes physically, emotionally and neurologically. Whenever, I speak to an adolescent, parent or teachers, I get introduced to unique challenges they face. Understanding these challenges and finding effective solutions is the key to helping them navigate this phase successfully.


Adolescents face unprecedented levels of stress, anxiety often due to academic pressure, social media, peer pressure. Here I’m sharing a few solutions for five of the challenges listed below.


1.     Handling multiple responsibilities

Handling multiple responsibilities is a significant challenge for adolescents as they juggle academics, extracurricular activities, family obligations and social relationships. This balancing act can lead to feelings of overwhelm and stress, making it difficult to prioritize tasks effectively often sacrificing personal time and well-being.


  • Help them prioritize tasks.

  • Set break time to avoid burnout.

  • Encourage effective communication to manage expectations.


2.     Relentless academic pressure to meet high expectations.


Academic pressure is a pervasive challenge for adolescents driven by high expectations from parents, teachers and themselves. The intense focus on staying on top, excelling in standardized tests and securing place in top colleges/companies introduces significant stress potentially causing burnout.



  • Create awareness to explore strengths & opportunities.

  • Establish SMART goals.

  • Create safe space to express their feelings to understand them better.

3.     Immense pressure to fit in among peer group.


Peer pressure is a huge challenge for adolescents as they navigate the desire to fit in among the peer group. Though it’s a common human trait to feel belonged, adolescents could long more to belong to their peer group. The fear of rejection and the need for social acceptance could overshadow their better judgment and individual identity. To manage peer pressure, it is crucial for adolescents to build self-confidence.



  • Help them identify their values and priorities.

  • Practise assertive communication to establish identity.

  • Create positive environment & support network with trusted adults and peers.

4.     Tech and Social Media overload:


In this ever changing digital world, there is always something new coming up to catch up. And, the influence of social media on adolescents could be overwhelming. They often feel the need to present a perfect image online leading to self-esteem issues. From social interaction to entertainment to education the tech overload introduces challenges like anxiety, lack of concentration, disrupted sleep patterns to name a few.


  • Dedicate time for offline activities.

  • Time box digital usage and have an accountability partner to maintain consistency.

  • Create safe space to discuss on fear of missing out. (FOMO)

5.     Disconnect with Parents and other adults:


Adolescents often experience a disconnect with adults and parents, which can be a significant challenge during this developmental stage. This disconnect could create feeling of loneliness, emotional issues, difficulty in seeking guidance when facing personal issues. To bridge this gap, it is essential for parents and adults to build trust and a stronger relational bond.


  • Use “I” statements to express thoughts openly & encourage them to do so.

  • Establish open communication and encourage perspective sharing  than advising.

  • Practise empathetic listening without judgement.


Adolescence is a time of exploration and growth, but it comes with its set of challenges. As a coach, my goal is to provide the support and tools adolescents need to navigate this period with confidence and resilience. By joining hands and providing a supportive environment, promoting open communication, and encouraging healthy habits, we can help them overcome these challenges and thrive. I’m looking forward to hearing from you on how you overcome some of these challenges. And, if you are stuck and feel like having a conversation, book an appointment here:

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